Fees are paid for Building Permits.  We accept cash, cheque, credit and debit cards.

Minimum Permit Fees:

  • Residential = $75
  • Other = $125

Deposits for new residential and commercial building and moving of dwelling units:

  • Deposit Required
    1. Deposits are required only for new residential buildings and for moving of dwelling units.
    2. The minimum deposit is $750 per residential dwelling (e.g., minimum deposit for a duplex is $1,500).
    3. For each required inspection, an additional $50 will be collected from the Permit holder.
    4. The maximum deposit new residential buildings is $3,000.
    5. All permit types will include a $50 deposit for each required inspection. Up to a maximum of $1,000.
    6. Deposits are returned when the final inspection is successfully passed. Inspection deposits are returned only if
    the required inspection has been completed.
    7. If the final inspection is not completed within 4 years, building permit renewal fees may be deducted from the

  • Commercial buildings deposits
    1. For projects less than $100,000 the deposit amount is $500.
    2. For projects with a construction value over $100,000 the minimum deposit will be 50% of the Building Permit
    fee to a maximum $3,000.
    3. For each required inspection, an additional $50 will be collected from the Permit holder.
    4. Deposits are returned when the final inspection is successfully passed. Inspection deposits are returned only if
    the required inspection has been completed.
    If the final inspection is not completed within 4 years, building permit renewal fees may be deducted from the deposit.

Residential Construction Permit Fees for serviced, habitable and non-habitable buildings including additions or extensions
title 1title 2
Main Floor $0.75 per square foot

Finished Floors above main floors

$0.65 per square foot
Basements $0.25 per square foot
Plumbing $10.00 per fixture

Miscellaneous residential construction not described above

$9.50 per $1,000 of construction value up

to $1,000,000 

$4.50 per $1,000 of construction value above 


CSA certified home from one location to another (per square foot)


Examples: Houses, Cottages, Attached Garages, Factory-Built Structures and Dwellings

Residential Construction Permit Fees for un-serviced, habitable and non-habitable buildings including additions or extensions
Type Price
Main Floor $0.45 per square foot
Floor areas above or below main floor $0.25 per square foot
Moving CSA certified home $0.35 per square foot
Moving and Building $100 per dwelling unit plus $0.75 per square foot

Examples: Seasonal Cottages, Sheds, Guest Cabins, Gazebos, Garages, Storage, Saunas

Non-Residential Construction Permit Fees
Type Price

Farm Buildings of low human occupancy, greenhouse - Main Floor

$0.25   per square foot
Farm Buildings of low human occupancy, greenhouse -  Other Floors $0.15   per square foot
Farm Buildings of low human occupancy, greenhouse - Plumbing Work  $12.00 per fixture
All Other Construction

$10.00 per $1,000 of construction value

up to $1,000,000 

$5.00 of construction

Other Permits and Charges 
Type Price
Change of Use Permit  $125 per unit, no alterations and no building permit issued
Occupancy Permit  nil per unit
Conditional Permit   50% surcharge of total permit fee
Demolition Permit Fees $0.10 per square foot
No Permit $200 plus 200% surcharge of permit fee
Re-Inspection $75 each inspections
Permit not displayed $100 per occurrence
Plans not available $100 per occurrence
Transfer of Permit $65 per permit
Wood Burning Appliance $65 per appliance

The Building By-Law has more information on Building Permits and Permit Fees

There may be other fees owing for connections, entrances, and encroachments when you are constructing and these can be discussed with Municipal staff when you apply for a building permit

Contact the Chief Building Official for more information.